About us

Welcome to BuuM Environmental Technology

Production and Sale of Environmental Products

Our motivation – Active in environmental protection
Hazardous substances threaten nature, the habitat for humans and animals on land, in the water and in the air.
Since 1995, we have been producing and distributing high-quality technical products for the protection of the environment, ecosystems and the restoration of already damaged areas.
As a competent partner, we aim to improve our processes at all times, nationally and internationally,
to optimize work safety and to find customer-specific product solutions.

Together to protect the environment with a comprehensive range of products

  • organic oil binding agents and chemical binders
  • mineral oil absorbent and chemical absorbent
  • nonwovens – absorbing materials
  • water absorbent pillows and protection booms
  • floor protection mats
  • cleaning agents
  • oil barriers


Application areas

  • petrolium and chemicals trade
  • metal industry
  • chemical industry
  • fire brigades and their supply retailers
  • technical wholesale
  • automobile industry
  • railway and tack systems
  • shipyards, air- and sea ports
  • local authorities- city cleaning and road maintenance
  • construction sites – civil engineering, road construction and hydraulic engineering
  • transport and storage system
  • disaster prevention and emergency response
